Snow Storm Effect

Add a subtle snowing snow storm effect to your Xenforo community for the holidays or winter. Features: Choose your snow theme Enable the effect Enable/Disable for mobile Choose usergroups to …

From $0.00

AdBlock Detected Tracker & Statistics

AdBlock Detected Tracker & Statistics silently tracks users that use AdBlock. Use the power of Xenforo usergroups to deal with AdBlocker’s in a way that works best for your community. …


AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] for WordPress

*coming soon*


AutoAds Premiere

AutoAds Premiere allows you to quickly display advertisements on your website. Description This plugin allows you to quickly add Google’s AutoAds to your website. WordPress AutoAds Premiere.  Find it in …

From $0.00

Drupal 7.x – Automatically update blank GMAP entries

Having a problem getting old content that should include a Google GMAP to render? What does this module do? Finds user selected content types with missing GEOFIELD GMAP’s and does …

From $0.00

Google Adsense AutoAds (Basic)

Quickly add Google’s Adsense to your website using Google’s Autoads placement. For a more advanced Adsense AutoAds plugin visit: Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced) Setup is easy: Download and install the …

From $0.00

Drupal 8.x AdBlock Detection

Full responsive adblock detection for Drupal 8.x. Browse on github: Browse on Drupal: Themed options for overlay theme Fully responsive Option to allow usergroups to bypass detection Option …

From $0.00

AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock]

Fully featured seo-friendly anti-AdBlock system.  Recoup lost revenue by nagging or forcing people to disable their adBlocker using this SEO-Friendly add-on. Supports a full page overlay or a simple notice …


Accessible Navigation for Assistive Devices

Large header/footer navigation buttons for people that use assistive devices to navigate the web (eye gaze, foot mouse, etc). These types of users often have miss-clicks and issues navigating default …

From $0.00